Being beautiful means much more than attraction of attention

Being beautiful means to be colourful!

Being beautiful means to be pleasant!

Being beautiful means to be adorable!

Being beautiful means to be glorious!

Being beautiful means to be coloured with grace!

Being beautiful means to be all inspiring!

Being beautiful means to be wonderful!

Being beautiful means to be exciting….

When something is beautiful

It seems to quench your thirst!

It satisfies your hunger for what you don’t even know!

What is the greatest beauty that God ever created?

Is it the heavens?

Is it the earth?

Is it the birds that sing in the sky?

Is it the fishes that swim in the oceans?

Is it the creeping thing that creeps on the earth?

For all of those things He called them forth except for man

When it was time to create man, he didn’t call him forth

He engaged Himself with his hands in making man.

So the greatest BEAUTY that God ever created is YOUUUUUU!

Look at yourself by looking at the word; the new creation that looks like God!

As He is, so are you…

You are too beautiful to be sick!

You are too beautiful to be hopeless!

You are too beautiful to be discouraged!

See how Christ brought you forth!

You are the reproduction of His faith!

And that is the reality of a Christian